
Why We Need Core Strength

In this video Linda talks about the importance of core strength. Why it is such an important aspect of dressage riding. […]

Mary Wanless In New Zealand

Mary Wanless World recognised Biomechanics coach and founder of RWYM was in NZ coaching on the 28,29,30 November 2015
Rider biomechanics is for everybody whether you are a beginner or a top level rider in your chosen sport.
This was an incredible opportunity to watch Mary in action as she addresses rider symmetry and dramatically alters the way horses […]

Importance of Core Strength

I just had a skim through the April NZEF Bulletin. Two articles made me smile Bill Noble and Jennifer Stobbart, both good trainers talked about the importance of core strength for the rider and how important it was.

Once you become an established rider, maybe someone who has ridden with show ring or Dressage success for many years, it can be difficult, when you’ve reached a certain level to go back and relearn the basics! […]

Five Weeks That Changed My Life

I arrived at Overdale Equestrian Centre late on a coolish autumn afternoon to find Mary riding her grey as featured on the front of her latest book “The new Ride with Your Mind Clinic”.

Mary doesn’t mince words and after a quick “Oh you’re the New Zealand girl” carried on with her schooling with a very cold and jetlagged New Zealander sitting in the corner of an extremely airy indoor She was happy for me to watch and so five weeks of the most intensive learning began. […]